For the love of colour : 8 cool colour inspiration sites

Creating the best mix of colours has never been so daunting. From print to digital, books to apps, the decision to finalise a particular colour palette for your project can be overwhelming at times. Colour combinations are a tricky business so why not gather the best resources the internet has to offer and bookmark 8 handy colour generators to help you with your next project.

Even though these are online colour generators, they can also be a handy tool for inspiring any project by checking what colours are friendly with other colours.

Here are 8 handy hints for those colour challenges:


1. Colorffy

Good for gradients and palettes, this simple-to-use site is a handy tool to have.



2. Coolors

Too lazy to type in the search bar what you need? Just use your space bar instead to view different colour palettes recommended for you.



3. Colour Palette FX

Upload a photo and watch this site generate your ideal colour palette using your image.



4. ColorFavs

Another one where you can upload your photo to generate a palette or instead peruse through their lovely colour combos to gain inspiration.


5. Loading.IO

Type in words like “dawn” or “mountain” and watch the generator do it’s thing by matching to your keywords. Also has a handy filter for changing colour counts and variations.



6. My Color Space

Easy to use site which creates bespoke beautiful palettes and gradients (and even provides the code!).



7. Flat UI Colors

Ever wondered what a country’s colour palette might be? This site also provides inspiring names for colour swatches.



8. ColorSupply

Quirky interface which is handy for demonstrating how colours suit certain iconography.




Renée Blakeley  
Senior Finished Artist

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