Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO)

New brand promise and identity for TIO, the national Telecom Ombudsman

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) is an independent phone and internet complaint service.

The organisation provides a dispute resolution service for consumers and the telecommunications industry that complies with the Benchmarks for Industry-based Customer Dispute Resolution.

The Challenge

The TIO is often misunderstood as a consumer or industry advocate and it’s neither. We needed clearly communicate that it provides a fair and impartial dispute resolution service for both customers (residences and small businesses) and members (the telecommunication companies).

The brand development also needed to address consumer research findings, help drive the organisational business strategy objectives, engage employees and inspire brand behavioural change.

The Strategy

Building on stakeholder and audience insight, we created a meaningful and authentic brand promise for both consumers and providers.

‘Finding a clear way forward’ has become the new mantra. This connects closely to the organisation’s purpose and strategic objectives and is supported by a clear, positive and straightforward tone of voice.

Messaging has been rewritten to remove jargon, simplify complexity and make it accessible and easy for all audiences to understand what the TIO does, how it operates, what to expect and how it can help.

The Design Solution

Designed to unify, the new brand identity represents all parties in the complaint resolution process. The identity blends multiple visual concepts: the wider community and membership; authority and strength; cooperation and inclusion; growth and evolution; and most importantly, helping all parties find a clear way forward.

The logo embodies the sustainability and resilience of the organisation. The earthy colour palette is reflective of the fair, independent and grounded mindset required to resolve complaints successfully.


“The new brand represents the warm, professional and approachable service we provide. The improved accessibility of the website makes it easy for a consumer to make a complaint and provides clear information to help consumers and providers understand processes, policies and common outcomes.”

“The development of this brand has been a journey of reflection: Where have we come from as an organisation? How do we want to be perceived? It’s about providing a dispute resolution service for all.”

Judi Jones, Ombudsman.