Febfast asks Australians to take a month off alcohol and fund raise to help reduce the impacts of alcohol and other drugs on young people. We worked with the Febfast board to define their go-to market proposition and how they could attract more supporters to raise more money for their beneficiary organisations.
When we began working with Febfast they had aspirations for continued market growth but had a brand image that was in much need of a refresh. One of our main objectives was to take the Febfast brand from being a well-meaning, grass roots organisation and transform it into a serious, noteworthy organisation that successfully promotes well-being and personal growth while making a real difference in the lives of those effected by alcohol.
We were engaged to give Febfast clarity around their future direction and lead the brand visual identity re-design to create a fresh, new look for Febfast that would create a sense of community to become a market leader in the alcohol fasting space. Febfast is competing with a growing number of other other fasting fund raising events and needed a notable point of difference to their competitors. We defined the guiding thought driving the Febfast brand as ‘creating a space for change’. The thought of ‘Creating space for change’ allowed Febfast to create a sense of community and allowed participants to share a sense of comradeship and identity with other fasters. While the visual language represents the idea of self improvement – that by drinking less you can make more of life – it was backed by the irresistible urge to support those who need a hand to find their own potential.
With the new brand, this years Febfast has been the biggest yet, we would like to say a massive thank you to all the participants and the team at Febfast.