A Truly Deeply, natural cordial packaging design project.
We often talk about the role of design in expressing different personalities for a brand. We work in the space every day, but rarely get the opportunity to explore the expression of multiple brand personalities for the one product type. We decided it was time to walk the talk and set ourselves a challenge; to develop five unique, integrated packaging strategies based upon an identical product – a range of (very delicious) natural fruit cordials.
The Challange
Working from set brand definitions, each creative was set the task to strut their skills as brand creators by developing a brand name, palette of brand visual language and packaging solution to differentiate the brand position of their product. The range of work that resulted is a rich and evocative demonstration of what can be achieved by skilled (and we think rather talented) brand creators in developing distinctly differentiated brand packaging stories. The project has proven to be such a great illustration of what we do that we decided to produce the bottles of cordial as Christmas gifts this year, and to tell the story of the creative process.
The Creativity
Brand identity can be many things. For every brand,
the mix of elements that make up it’s identity is unique.
For many brands packaging is the only communication tool they have. In the big, colourful picture of an integrated brand, the packaging takes-on a crucial role as communicator of brand messages, teller of the brand story, and reflection of the brand personality.
Often we find packaging is the forgotten canvas. It can represent an untapped opportunity for greatness. Packaging that is on-brand is no more expensive than packaging that is off-brand. For brands who don’t have the resources to command highest share of voice in advertising; there’s no reason why you can’t have the most impactful voice at point of purchase. Why shouldn’t marketers aspire to be the stand-out packaging in any category they exist in?
The Magic
Brand brief 01.
Brand Positioning
Hand made, natural ingredients, fresh from the orchard
Brand Essence
A Burst of Taste from Mother Nature
Brand Personality
Honest, Real, Wholesome, Genuine, Cheerful, Friendly, Happy, Spirited, Lively and Passionate
Brand brief 02.
Brand Positioning
Made from the finest ingredients, and exquisite flavours for the sophisticated palette
Brand Essence
The Fine Art of Cordial Making
Brand Personality
Imaginative, Surprising, Artistic, Upper class, Sophisticated, Glamorous, Charming and Smooth
Brand brief 03.
Brand Positioning
Imported, Spanish cordial, a fiesta of flavour
Brand Essence
A delicious taste of Spain
Brand Personality
Cheerful, Warm, Happy, Spirited, Cool, Lively, Passionate, Imaginative, Unique, Artistic
Brand brief 04.
Brand Positioning
Fun, playful, fruity personality – the ‘Nudie’ of the cordial world
Brand Essence
As much fun as you can have with fruit
Brand Personality
Daring, Off-beat, Provocative, Spirited, Cool, Lively, Outgoing, Imaginative, Humorous, Surprising and Fun
Brand brief 05.
Brand Positioning
Traditional recipe, traditional goodness
Brand Essence
Celebrate nature’s bounty
Brand Personality
Wholesome, Original, Genuine, Old-fashioned, Sentimental, Warm, Happy, Reliable, Hardworking, Trustworthy
I really like these 6 points at the end, i think it can be keys to successfull social media strategy