Due to a number of external factors, Victoria Gardens Centre Management identified the need to drive traffic to the Food Court and Fresh Food precincts. The brief centred around providing motivation for locals to visit the centre and to increase dwell time via a unique, interactive activation. We needed to find a way to provide something new to entice locals back to the centre.
Truly Deeply worked with Victoria Gardens to define the core target audience and identify key times when traffic was dropping off. While the concept was envisioned to appeal to all of Victoria Garden’s target audiences, it was agreed to prioritise and test the concept with families first.
Strategic and design solution
A creative theme of ‘Summer in the Gardens’ was developed to create the sense of an urban oasis and encourage families to spend time at the centre. The food court area became an activated garden that was a magnet for families. Free activities for the children, retailer engagement and incentives all combined to create a family destination that encouraged not only attracted local families but many from outside the trade area to visit and spend at the centre.
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Truly Deeply recognised that there is very little garden in Victoria Gardens and identified this activation campaign as an opportunity for the centre to bring more authenticity to the name and more life and garden into the centre, both through activation and also adding more life to the aesthetics of the centre, therefore proposed that Victoria Gardens own ‘In the Gardens’ as a theme for the centre. A plan has been put place with partner activation agency, ‘Pop Union’ to map a series of garden themed activation events throughout the year, focusing on Diner’s Life and Fresh Life and outdoor as possible activation areas.
Truly Deeply recognised that there is very little garden in Victoria Gardens and identified this activation campaign as an opportunity for the centre to bring more authenticity to the name and more life and garden into the centre, both through activation and also adding more life to the aesthetics of the centre, therefore proposed that Victoria Gardens own ‘In the Gardens’ as a theme for the centre. A plan has been put place with partner activation agency, ‘Pop Union’ to map a series of garden themed activation events throughout the year, focusing on Diner’s Life and Fresh Life and outdoor as possible activation areas.
Summer in the Gardens post activation analysis
Two weeks of school holiday activities in January was really well received by families and the community. More than 1,100 kids took part in activities and each child could bring something home with them. Parents were extremely pleased with the generosity of the free event and families came back multiple times during the two week period. Retailers in the activation area also experienced an increase in sales in comparison to the previous year.
Comments from parents
“We would love to see the grassed area to become a permanent feature”.
“I loved the use of the general area and the Summer in the Gardens concept, and would like to see it be a more permanent feature”.
Autumn in the gardens
Due to the success of Summer in gardens theme, Truly Deeply worked Victoria Gardens and Pop Union to develop ‘Autumn in the Gardens’ which carried the theme into the new season.
Victoria Gardens is now starting to build brand engagement around the concept of ‘In the gardens’ to keep the centre top of mind with families during peak school holiday periods.
How we helped Victoria Gardens:
Brand engagement, activation ideation, campaign identity system, signage, eDM, advertising.
Obligation Free – One Hour – Brand Diagnostic Session
- Clarify your critical brand components; Product/service expertise, Core customer, Competitors & Compelling point of difference.
- Identify your current brand challenges and opportunities.
- Chart the best way to overcoming those challenges / capture the business value within those opportunities.