Brand name and packaging design for gourmet produce range

Wolf in the kitchen header

Working with Lake House Founder and food guru Alla Wolf-Tasker and her daughter, Lake House marketer Larissa Wolf-Tasker, we cooked up a tasty brand, name and packaging design for their new range of produce.

Initially developing the brand proposition and brand architecture for the range and establishing the optimum relationship with both Alla’s personal brand and that of the iconic Daylesford Lake House, we then developed the name; ‘A Wolf in the Kitchen’. As brand names go, this one combines unique elements of Alla’s surname, as well as the sense of home cooked and hand made preserves. The brand positioning line of ‘Alla Wolf-Tasker Produce’ is locked-up with the brand name allowing for broader brand extensions into the future.

The packaging design features a beautiful water colour illustration by New York-based, Australian designer/illustrator Anna Roszko. The illustration forms the basis of the packaging design, combining the literal cues of a wolf and a bountiful fruit/produce tree with a sense of hand crafted cooking, and seasonal, windfall produce. Truly Deeply Creative Director, David Ansett explains; “We wished to not only capture a sense of Alla and her Russian heritage, but also a sense of home cooked preserves, made from whatever seasonal produce the garden had provided. This sense of authenticity is critical both to Alla and also to her new brand”.

The colour-way of the feature illustration shifts to match each conserve variety, providing a soft, seasonal palette for the range of SKUs.

Wolf in the kitchen brandmark

Wolf in the kitchen packaging set

If you have a brand that could use some truly outstanding brand positioning, brand naming or packaging design, why not give us a call – we’d love to chat with you about how we can help position you for success.

The original packaging design has been tweaked by others at the production stage (see below) so that it varies slightly from the intent. A Wolf in the Kitchen is available for sale at Wombat Hill House Daylesford, Lake House and selected specialty stores. For wholesale enquiries contact



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