Amnesty International – What do consumers really think about this Not for Profit Brand

not for profit branding

All brands have associations – both positive and negative
Whether carefully and strategically considered or by default, all brands hold associated meanings in the minds of the market place. Well considered brands establish a differentiated value proposition (their brand strategy) with layers of meaning to both differentiate themselves from their competitors and to connect with their audience. These brands reinforce their meaning through all of their actions or brand touch points and their brand design. As a brand agency we help brands to define their meaning and create their unique brand identity design for all their communications in order to create a consistent association with these layers of meaning in the hearts and minds of their customers.

As a brand in the Not-for-Profit space, Amnesty International is in the most competitive of all categories. The battle for donation dollars is hard fought, and all Not-for-Profits need to understand their consumer value proposition every bit as much as their commercial, for-profit peers. Using data drawn from online we can view brands through the eyes of the broader consumer market. This perspective provides for some interesting insights into the most powerful brand associations.

not for profit brand strategy

A Snapshot of Brand Association
The clever people at Brand Tags have been busy collecting a comprehensive list of more than 1.7 million associations that people from around the globe have with brands. The result is a unique opportunity for those brands to compare the meaning and messages of their brand communication strategy with the brand associations of a cross section of the market.

The Amnesty International Brand
Amnesty International has clearly done an exemplary job of positioning itself in the Not-for-Profit space. Yes, their most widely held brand associations include; ‘Help, Charity and Good’, but more critically, ‘Peace, Freedom, Human Rights, Torture and Justice’ make-up the top eight associations. This is a great result. Few brands succeed in aligning their proposition with external brand association to this extent and with such clarity and positivity.

The ninth most powerful brand association is with the word, ‘candle’. Again this is a strong result, as the association demonstrates the effectiveness and recognition of Amnesty International’s brand identity.

Other strong positives for the brand include the lack of negative associations. Most brands (including Not-for-Profits) find themselves managing a range of negative views, but Amnesty International has successfully skirted this issue. Interestingly there’s an association with musician Bono, proving that relationship has left an indelible sense of positive association. The question mark refers to the number of people who are unsure of what meaning to associate with the Amnesty International brand. The late appearance on the list reflects a relatively low level of confusion about the brand, but that it appears at all represents an opportunity for the organisation to further increase awareness.

Over-all this is a very strong shopping for Amnesty International and their brand.
Positive Brand Association Score:
brand association index

Dave Ansett
Truly Deeply Founder & Creator of Brands
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