Last Thursday evening the finalists of the DesignToUnite campaign were announced at Eureka Tower to a crowd of over 100 guests. #DesignToUnite is a campaign that challenged creatives to design a poster calling for solidarity with Australia’s First Peoples.
Next month marks the 50-year anniversary since the 1967 referendum to count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander equally as Australian Citizens, this golden anniversary was seen as the perfect opportunity to recapture that spirit of unity from 1967 which is why the #DesignToUnite campaign was launched.
The Brief was to use the word Unite to deliver a powerful statement about the importance of Australia’s First Peoples and their right to a fair and just society.
Finalists came from every state and territory of Australia and expats living in Amsterdam, Bolivia, Los Angeles and London. Truly Deeply were active and passionate participants as we believe a strong social conscious is a very important part of our culture. We had two submissions, one from our ‘head honcho’ Director, David Ansett and super talented Design Intern, Hannah Guilford.
The nine finalists were selected by a panel of design, media and indigenous leaders and the campaign kicked off Tuesday 22 May and will run for two weeks until the 04 of June. All nine campaign posters will feature in shopping centers, airports and public places across Australia on the oOh! Media outdoor media platform. The aim is to “unite the country with a singular message of unity and re-engage discussion on what still needs to be done”.
Although we didn’t make it into the top nine we were incredibly enthusiastic about the opportunity to be part of this empowering campaign and we would like to say a huge congratulations to the finalists, all participants and organisers. It was a rewarding experience to work collaboratively within our creative industry to work toward the greater good in our society and for such an important milestone in this countries history.
We would like to share with you our interpretation of the brief with David Ansett and Hannah Guilford’s entries below followed by the nine finalist.
David Ansett – Truly Deeply
Hannah Guilford – Truly Deeply
Ben Saunders
Cornwell Design
Houston Group
Lloyd Collins
Marilyn & Sons
Studio Alto
The Company You Keep
Wade Jeffree
Wayne Allsop
Emma Ferris
Office Manager