We love a good brand parody.
OK, so I have to admit I’m a fan of brand piss-takes of any variety, but when they come to political branding parodies, my appreciation goes up-ten fold. When I first spotted the ‘Make America Great Again’ brand positioning for the Trump campaign I had one of those; ‘this is the kind of empty promise that is so far from what anyone will believe that it just might resonate’ responses. History has proven that I severely overestimated the bullshit filter of voters across most of the western world.
But what better way to poke fun than with a well considered brand parody!
Following on from Greta Thunberg’s brave and inspiring address to world leaders, and her less than enthusiastic embrace by Australia’s Prime minister and the President of the US, the people have spoken with this wonderful re-framing of Trumps iconic (or ironic?) election campaign message.
The idea appears to have originated on several placards in rally’s to support environmental action, which quickly spread on social media and are now appearing on a line of merchandise. For a century, branding has been used as a tool for political activism. The web has provided the ability to fast track ideas and set them free to grow a life of their own.
Dave Ansett
David is the founder of Truly Deeply, a branding agency with 25 years experience working with brands to position them for growth. His deep expertise is in the creation of high engagement brands that attract the attention of their audience and stand out from their competitors. David has extensive experience working with corporate, retail, food & beverage and entrepreneurial clients. Find out more here
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Trump pic courtesy www.wetpaint.co.za
Rally pics found on Twitter.
Merch designed and Sold by SocialDesign pics found on the web and retouched.