6 Inspiring Hand Lettering Artists

Beautiful lettering created by Pellisco

An art form that was heavily used during the early centuries in illuminated manuscripts, hand lettering is still strong on the design scene and hopefully here to stay.

You probably walk past hand lettering on a daily basis, from artisan chalkboards to retail posters or marketing campaigns in the street, it is still a highly prominent trade standing strong in the design world. A beautiful kinship between words and design, hand lettering can be easily confused with calligraphy or typography however each have slight differences. Calligraphy (sometimes considered a type of hand lettering) is more a craft based upon penmanship which usually writes in a single pass. Typography, however, uses a collection of prefabricated letters which focus on seamless letter formations, similar to what you are reading right now. Hand lettering is about draftmanship, drawing letters instead of writing them, which creates a unified decorative piece.

Most brands these days like to rely on just a wordmark by using a font. Minimal = Beautiful. Fonts weren’t intentionally created to be just a ‘logo’, they were created to support the brand language. If wanting to create a wordmark as your logo why not take it to the next level and create something impressive and give your brand a unique personality by using hand lettering.

To understand what a powerful tool hand lettering can be, here are 6 artists rocking it in the hand lettering space.


1.Nikita Bauer

Soft and neat lettering brushwork paired with detailed watercolours. What’s not to love. 


2. Olga Zakharova

Such beautiful colours make this piece stand out, but that message is a winner for me. I’d like this on a shirt.


3. Gilian Gomes

“Put your dreams always ahead of your steps”. Beautifully said and written.


4. Linzie Hunter

Fun, cool, and spot on accurate.


5. Mateusz Witczak

The craftmanship and execution of this piece is stunning, each element custom made.


5. Pellisco

Everything in this portfolio is cool it was hard to select just a few. Check out the entire collection here.



Want your brand to stand out? Contact us today to find out how we can help your brand stand apart from the rest.

Renée Blakeley  
Senior Finished Artist


Images all courtesy of the amazing artists – huge thanks and well done.





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