
By Category

One in a Billion – Adidas aims for a new China market

Interesting times for brands as the Chinese market evolves. Global sports brand adidas have launched a new and noteworthy ad campaign aimed at the Chinese market. The last two decades are choc-a-block with beautifully shot, inspiringly heart-racing ads from all of the brands in this…

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The Trump Effect – When Consumers Say One Thing and Do Another

Today’s post is an article written by Brandhook, good friends of ours and the sharpest brand research and insights agency around. As we all know, recently Donald Trump was elected President of the United States of America, defying nearly every prediction and pre-poll. In the lead…

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Branding, invisible gorillas and the art of standing out

How much are consumers really noticing your brand? In 2004 Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons shared the Ig Nobel Prize in Psychology, awarded for ‘achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think’, for the experiment they completed at Harvard that inspired The…

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Why branding’s the most powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal

Tough to argue with this kinda science!!! Dave Ansett David is the founder of Truly Deeply, a brand agency with 25 years experience working with brands to position them for growth. His deep expertise is in the creation of high engagement brands that attract the…

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How American Baseball taught us the Golden Rule of Brand Differentiation.

Differentiation works in Major League Baseball too. Re-reading Marty Neumeier’s book ‘Zag’ this week, I was fascinated by the story of America’s shortest ever professional baseball, Willie Keeler. Wee Willie, as he was known back in the good ol’ politically incorrect days of the 1890s…

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The big news on influencer marketing is; think small

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to share your brand’s message with a targeted audience. One of the strongest marketing trends to emerge in recent times is influencer marketing, which involves recruiting influential social media people to promote you through their blogs, Youtube channels and…

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5 Strategies for brands to do more for less from The Challenger Project.

Need to get your brand noticed but don’t have the resources to get the word out by traditional means?  The Challenger Project in the UK is published by eatbigfish, a strategic brand consultancy with a single focus: challenger thinking and behavior. I love the way these…

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Amnesty International – What do consumers really think about this Not for Profit Brand

All brands have associations – both positive and negative Whether carefully and strategically considered or by default, all brands hold associated meanings in the minds of the market place. Well considered brands establish a differentiated value proposition (their brand strategy) with layers of meaning to…

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How your choice of internet browser determines if you’re an original thinker

It turns out the browser you use determines job performance, commitment and innovative thinking. Organizational psychologist Adam Grant in his TED Talk; ‘The surprising habits of original thinkers’ presents an insight into browser choice as an indicator of innovative and original thinking. Grant says; “There’s…

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Busting the First Mover Advantage Myth of Branding

Watching a TED Talk recently from Organizational psychologist Adam Grant I came across a brilliant insight that challenged the long and firmly held belief of First Mover Advantage. For as long as I can remember in business and brand the ‘first mover paradigm’ dictated that…

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NDIS forces not-for-profit brands to market.

Not-for-profit providers pushed to market The National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS, was designed to support a better life for Australians with a significant and permanent disability, and also their families and carers. But the implementation of it, is having far reaching and costly implications for the not-for-profit…

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The importance of blogger outreach for SEO – increase your site traffic

When it comes to SEO, content is king, but distribution is queen. Despite understanding the importance of quality, not everyone is fully benefiting of their content marketing efforts. Simply put, having a solid content strategy and committing to quality is not enough to put your…

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A New Day for branding disruptive thinking to engage new audiences.

Would you launch a new newspaper brand today? Newsprint is dead, or so we keep hearing. So what do you do if your business is Newsprint? This is the kind of challenge lots of brands have. What do you do when your whole category is heading…

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How much should I pay for my Branding?

What should my branding cost? So you’re at start-up/running a growing business/recently merged/feeling the heat from new competition/just stepped into the big chair and you’ve got a sense that your branding isn’t working. No matter how clear-minded you are at leading your business, the task…

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Search, Mobile and the top 8 marketing trends for 2016

  The Top Marketing Trends for 2016 and what they mean in particular for small business Much is written each year on the key marketing trends we see playing out, usually most relevant for our larger clients. So when this week I came across a…

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Deliciously Engaging Branding from Cheerios

Creating Breakfast Cereal Brand Buzz In a gesture designed to celebrate the real honey in their Honey Nut Cheerios, the cereal brand built a living billboard complete with working bee hives, home to 100,000 honey bees. As the bees produced their honey (around 100 liters…

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This Local Government is turning parking fines into inspiring Christmas spirit

  The Lexington Parking Authority in Kentucky, USA has launched a brilliant ‘Food for Fines’ program It’s not often the concept of a parking ticket and inspiring brand engagement appear in the same line of thought, but that’s exactly what this innovative thinking parking authority…

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